I guess everybody loves this feeling when you are finally holding your own creation in your hands. So did I when a couple of days my new personal designed iPhone covers arrived.
The print quality is perfect and there is no loss of graphic details - just as I intended it to be as you can see when you compare it to my design which I showed on a previous post.

Now I am looking for a Japanese company who is offering me the same service in order not to have my design shipped arround the world before it reachs me and in my product interested friends.


Murphy's law : it is Sunday and raining, after a couple of beautiful days. So sitting in front of my computer instead of enjoying an exiting Japanese matsuri, I thought that my desctop needed some color change according to the weather outside. In case you have got the same feeling - feel free to get my rainy desctop ... but don't forget your umbrella, when you are leaving the house !


To spice a simple TShirt a mini pocket made out of Kimono fabric can give it a nice Japanese flavour without being too much.
For this bright natural white Kimono fabric I have chosen a white TShirt in order not to make it a too flashy colour contrast. An easy way to add a beautiful eye-catcher to your simple TShirt !


Coffee to-go is since a couple of years a world-wide phenomenon. Picking up a coffee before going to work, duiring the lunch brake, on a walk through town ... which is producing beside the fabolous convenience a lot of garbage. In order to enjoy an environmentally friendly coffee several maker beside coffee chain stores offer mugs in differents sizes. Some of them can be personalized by changing the paper inbetween the double walls of the mug.

The simplicity of the MUJI mug caught my eye and I thought that giving it a personal touch with a Kimono fabric cover would be a good 'Japanese' design approach. The possibilities are endless ( there is still a lot of fabric in the drawers !! ).

Every personalized BCOME mug inlay is a handmade unique product and one-of-a-kind! Drink your coffee in style and enjoy other beverages with the special something!


Since coming to Japan, I loved the so called Mizuhiki and always thought about using it in a modern way. During a competition I already used already a Mizuhiki design for creating a Japanese - XMas wrapping and took the first place with my idea.

Now that Summer is approaching, I thought that it would be nice to have a TShirt with a Japanese touch and used for that reason once again a Mizuhiki design.


The Japanese post is offering a great service : order made stamps. It is a bit pricy but I had to try it and here they are, my personal stamps !
Now they are waiting for friends who are appreciating such special snail mail.


In Japan business cards are an important item when it comes to meeting new people.
For that reason I prefer to have in all of my bags some business cards - who never knows whom you meet by accident ?! Due to the fact that I was running out of business card holders, I upcycled some out of TetraPak (in this case, I used some juice cartons which show that we are mostly drinking orange and grapefruit juice) to be prepared in case of networking!


Everybody (nearly) has it - everybody loves it ... the iPhone ... but do we want it to look like the one of the others ??
NOOO - for that reason are here some Japanese - BCOME cover designs.

Interested ? Just contact me or check out the latest BCOME iPHONE4 cover!

BCOME on facebook

Here we go : from now on you can also find BCOME on facebook and become (hopefully) a fan.

I have just started this, so it needs some serious updating, I know ... coming soon, promissed !!


Here it is : my new order made BCOME rubber stamp! Now I can sign everything and everywhere in a very Japanese way ... stamp stamp stamp ...


On the 5th of May Japanese are celebrating the so called Koinobori, the day for the boys.

There is just one 'boy' in our home, but I thought that three carps would look better on a pcard for this day - so Happy Koinobori 鯉幟 !!

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